It’s Almost Never Too Early For A Startup To Hire A CFO

Establishing a start-up is a complex and active process that involves not only ideas and people but financial aspects as well. Before you get to the more complex levels of a new firm, one position that may not initially be identified or considered is the Chief Financial Officer position. There is a misconception with many entrepreneurs that having a CFO is something that is only optional well into the company and is a position for large well-developed corporations only; this could not be further from the truth. This article focuses on the role of engaging the CFO at the initial stage of starting a small business about the company’s outlook for growth and sustainability.

 The CFO is not only the ‘head of finance’ but also someone who plays a strategic role in the financial decision-making of the business.

Right from the beginning, a CFO is capable of offering valuable suggestions relating to all the financial strategic aspects such as planning, control of risks, and development of business opportunities. Therefore, they have a strong background in forecasting financial performance, establishing a budget, and properly allocating resources to maintain the financial stability of the startup to go through the fluctuations that are characteristic of the initial development period.

 In particular, many of the startups can be in a fatal state because of improper management of the finances. Recognizing the appropriate CFO’s responsibilities, the financier should contribute to the establishment of sound financial management policies as well as the compliance of organizational policies with these rules and regulations, in addition to presenting the firm’s financials to the investors and other stakeholders. Thus, financial models and scenarios assist the CFO in aiding the startup in making decisions and addressing such issues or finding ways to use opportunities when they exist.


Financial Planning and Forecasting

 Assessing the company’s solvency and estimating its future financial standing is critical for any start-up enterprise. Additionally, a CFO is a direct user of complex financial strategies that can be helpful when regulating the company’s functions. They come up with strict financial budgets that may assist in the offering of resources in a rightful manner as well as with moderate charges to the startup. Regarding the revenue, the planning and forecasting activities can help the CFO to notice it, determine its sources, regulate cash flows, and, perhaps, mention the funding requirements.

 Budgeting also includes the evaluation of the startup’s liquidity against certain predetermined conditions. When it comes to determining the monetary impact of a certain business strategy, a CFO helps a startup in the management of contingencies and minimization of risks. Notably, there is a need to be more proactive in how the general finances are handled especially regarding the investors if the organization is to attract its required funds.


Fundraising and Investor Relations

 There is another essential aspect that should not be dismissed and that is the problem of funding, which is regarded as one of the major challenges in a startup. It is allowed to receive many specialties of a CFO, which gives a considerable advantage in the sphere of fundraising and relations with investors. They are familiar with the mechanics or the processes of how different forms of financing including venture capitalists, angels, debt, and grants. A CFO also can determine the correct amount of funding, construct attractive financial documents and revenues, and bargain in the capacity of the investors.

 Equally important, is investor relations not forgetting that the operations of the firms are influenced by numerous factors. A CFO directly communicates the overall financial health of the company to the investors by offering periodic, regular, and on-demand financial information and performance reports on the company’s financial management. Importantly, when a CFO is communicating with investors, they must do it openly and constantly, which allows investors to rely on the company and provide more funds in the future.


Cash Flow Management

 The blood of any company especially a startup is cash flow. Having an understanding and proper management of cash flow means a startup company is not only able to pay its bills and debts, invest in the company’s growth, or be ready for any eventualities. It implies that a CFO formulates operations to improve the cash flow position, collection of receivables, and payments for the goods and services, negotiating the terms of payments, and controlling the expenses of the operations.

 Cash flow forecasting is another important duty of a CFO; this involves predicting the amount of cash an organization will generate in the future. Should a CFO analyze historical and behavioral market data to forecast future cash inflows and outflows the former would be of great value to the startup in avoiding situations where it lacks sufficient cash when a large expense has to be paid. This kind of vision helps the startup to remain a financially sound company be able to adapt to changes that may come in the future and be ready for the scaling of the company’s operations as well as invest in growth-oriented projects.

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

 Touching on any sort of legalities proves to be a herculean task for any start let alone the complicated legal system. Legal requirements such as financial rules, taxation regulations, and guidelines of other related sectors must be met to avoid lawsuits and disciplinary actions. A CFO also makes sure that all business laws are followed in a startup since he or she implements sound compliance mechanisms and makes frequent reviews.

 Risk management is also another vital component of a CFO in an organization. When doing business, new ventures are exposed to various unforeseeable factors that might bring negative impacts to ventures such as market fluctuations risks, competition risks, and many organizational operational risks. The risks are determined by a CFO by evaluating them to determine how they will affect the business as well as coming up with measures to counter them. Subsequently, this paper examines how good and efficient management of risks contributes to the sustainability of a CFO of a startup company.

ERB understands that the financial wellness of any business, especially start-ups and young companies is very critical.

In another way, we aim to offer the methods of financial support for young startups at the very beginning of their serial as well as at the stages of growing up and developing.

Some of the key services that we provide include; CFO consulting services, financial analysis, fundraising solutions, as well as regulatory compliance.